Worked at Enchantment, as Hayley Vaughan's assistant
Former detective at Valley Investigations
Silicon Valley, California
Married (Charlie Brent)
Nico Kelly
Bitsy Davidson (mother)
Unnamed child (with Charlie; late 1990s; born off-screen)
Sean Cudahy
None known
Cecily came to Pine Valley in 1987 and moved in with her godmother Phoebe Wallingford. The troubled teen came with a hefty trust fund that enticed Tom Cudahy's brother, Sean, into chasing her. First she married Nico Kelly to get her trust fund, but the two eventually fell in love. They left Pine Valley together, after Cecily won the Mrs. Homemaker contest. She came back in 1994 and divorced Nico. Charlie gave her a job as his assistant at Valley Investigations (his detective agency). They met via a chatroom on the Internet, at the time not knowing who the other was. After a brief courtship via the Internet, they discovered their mutual love and were married. They left Pine Valley in 1996 for California, and shortly thereafter had their first child.
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